
The Cabloy-CMS backend provides comprehensive article management capabilities. When the article is submitted for publication, it is instantly rendered as a static file and written to the Sitemap file

Create Article

Basic Fields

Enter the home page, click Create Article and then input or select the following fields values:

Name Description
Atom Name the title of the article. Atom is a common definition of basic business data in CabloyJS
Language article must belong to a certain language
Category article must belong to a certain category
Tags support for multiple tags, separated by commas


Content of Article

Cabloy-CMS uses the open source component mavonEditor to implement editing and previewing of markdown

Please enter the following poem and preview the result:


## The Curse on Fish

Once taunting

Fish should be cursed

Swimming from day to night 
day by day

Here and there

Here and there



To be a fish frankly

Swimming from day to night 
day by day

Here and there

Here and there


Once taunting

Eventually fall on myself

Here and there

Here and there


Well, well

Save Article

Every time an article is saved, the ariticle separately rendering will be triggered automatically

Submit Article

The new article is in draft state, and must be submitted to in normal state for public access



  • Home page


  • Article page