Blocks are provided in the CMS plugin module. Therefore, we continue the plugin module test-cmspluginhello we created earlier, and make a block in it

How to make a plugin, please refer to: Development - Making a Plugin

1. Reference Blocks and Schemas

Reference Blocks and Schemas in the meta of the module


const blocks = require('./config/blocks.js');

module.exports = app => {
  const schemas = require('./config/validation/schemas.js')(app);
  const meta = {
    validation: {
      validators: {
        blockIFrame: {
          schemas: 'blockIFrame',
      keywords: {},
      schemas: {
        blockIFrame: schemas.blockIFrame,
    cms: {
      plugin: {
  return meta;
Name Description
cms.plugin.blocks Block list provided by this module
validation.validators.blockIFrame Validator corresponding to block
validation.schemas.blockIFrame Schema corresponding to block

2. Definition of Blocks


const iframe = require('./block/iframe.js');

module.exports = {


module.exports = {
  meta: {
    name: 'iframe',
    title: 'Embed Page',
    validator: 'blockIFrame',
  data: {
    default: {
      url: '',
      width: '',
      height: '',
  render({ md, options, block, token, index, content }) {
    const url = md.utils.escapeHtml(content.url);
    const width = md.utils.escapeHtml(content.width || '100%');
    const height = md.utils.escapeHtml(content.height || '300px');
    return `<div class="block block-iframe" style="width:${width};height:${height};"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="${url}"></iframe></div>\n`;
Name Description
meta Block’s meta infomation Block’s Name
meta.title Block’s Title
meta.validator Validator
data.default Default value of block’s content
render Block’s rendering method
  • Parameters of render
Name Description
md MarkdownIt instance, refer to: MarkdownIt
md.utils.escapeHtml In particular, it is often necessary to escape the user’s input content safely by this method, so as to avoid the occurrence of injection vulnerability
options Extend options
options.utils.text Get the i18n locale string by this method
options.blocks All of Blocks
block Definition of this Block
token MarkdownIt Rendering Parameters
index MarkdownIt Rendering Parameters
content User’s input content

3. Definition of Schema

JSON schema is used to verify whether the data entered by the user meets the expectation. If it does not meet the expectation, there will be a striking prompt

About JSON Schema, please refer to: Form Validation


module.exports = app => {
  const schemas = { };
  // block iframe
  schemas.blockIFrame = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      url: {
        type: 'string',
        ebType: 'text',
        ebTitle: 'URL',
        format: 'uri',
        notEmpty: true,
      width: {
        type: 'string',
        ebType: 'text',
        ebTitle: 'Width',
      height: {
        type: 'string',
        ebType: 'text',
        ebTitle: 'Height',

  return schemas;